
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Homemade Ice-Cream & Valentines

Valentine's Day isn't one of my favorites, but it's just not in me to pass up a day to be creative. Besides, my kiddos love it and all the preparation is worth it to see smiles on their little faces. Each year we have a ton of fun making our own valentines. This year was no exception. My boys asked if they could make the same gum airplanes we made last year instead of coming up with something new, so we did. This afternoon I laid everything out . . . gum, smarties, stickers, lifesavers and rubber bands. The boys sat around the table putting names on banners to be tied to the tail of the planes as I put the planes together. With a lot of laughs and smiles we completed all 67 in just under two hours and made memories!

Not only did we make valentines today, we made vanilla ice-cream!!! My kiddos are absolutely ecstatic when Sunday finally rolls around. In the Mota home Sunday dinner means dessert. Despite the freezing cold February temps, homemade ice-cream sounded like an extraordinary idea . . . so I pulled out the ice-cream freezer, dusted it off and made a batch of vanilla. The kids gobbled down their dinner and waited as I put scoops of ice-cream in bowls, topping them with caramel and whipped cream. The room was silent as they literally licked their bowls clean!

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