
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Picking Your Battles

Yesterday I filled a bag full of dried apple rings from the bulk area of the grocery store. I thought they'd make the perfect kid snack for the crumbs or stickiness and they're healthy too! When I got home I made the mistake of putting the bag on the kitchen counter and leaving it there. This morning my little Shaylee Bug climbed up and dumped them out all over the counter and floor. When I came walking up the stairs there she was, sitting on a bar stool, adorning herself with apples and oh so proud of her accomplishment! At that moment I had to decide to laugh or get angry. ALL mom's must pick their battles. There are numerous times every day when my kiddos aren't doing just as they're asked or doing exactly what they're asked not to. Things like sneaking into treats, not doing homework, not completing chores, and little fights here and there. They are kids after all and it's their job to always be testing their limits. It even amazes me how many times a day my kiddos test my patients, but just as often I've had to turn my head so they won't see me grinning from ear to ear. There are definitely times when punishment is the only option, but sometimes the answer is simply

and grab the camera fast!

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